The Company try to ensure that the estate is kept in good condition at a reasonable cost. We have over 80 separate pieces of land, some large and some very small. There are also around 1000 trees scattered around the estate.  We could always spend more on estate maintenance but try to get a balance between cost and quality. We only maintain our land. Roads, footpaths and street furniture are the responsibility of WSCC Highways dept.

Our designated contractor will maintain all community grass areas. During the summer months he will mow every two weeks using a self-mulching mower. He does not generally use a grass-collecting box. Self-mulching is regarded as an environmentally friendly method of grass cutting.

During periods of fast growth it can lead to the grass areas looking a little untidy for a few weeks before the mulching’s dissipate. There are a few small grass areas belonging to WSCC. These are mostly narrow strips between the road and the footpath. We have an arrangement with them that we cut these areas. This ensures continuity across the estate.

During the winter months our contractor will trim back around the edges of the grass areas. He will also clear the fallen leaves from the grass areas. He will not clear leaves from the footpaths and roads. This is the responsibility of WSCC. He will also trim small bushes and trees that are accessible from ground level.

We have a separate contractor for trees. They are a very experienced local firm. Fully insured and H & S compliant. They also comply with the Wild Life and Countryside Act 1981. They carry out tree work as and when directed by the company. See also the page on our tree policy.

Please contact us if you have questions on maintenance issues.

estate maintenance issue 2 june 2023